A Glimpse of the Best Nintendo Switch Games for Girls

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Hugh Mcdonalid

When we talk about gaming, there is no rule that girls can’t play. However, a great number of people find most gamers to be boys since it has been labelled like this for many years. Yes, I may agree, but as the gaming industry evolves, more and more games are added and there is now a wide selection of games made available for girls. So if you’re eager to find the perfect Nintendo switch games for girls, you’re on the right page! Scroll down below as we hand you over the top picks to choose from that girls will definitely enjoy.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (2020)​

First on the list is Another Crossing (New Horizons). Another life simulation video game, which is developed and published by Nintendo. New Horizons is the fifth main title in the Animal Crossing series that is recently released this year. 

You build and explore the island and you can even customize to whatever style or trend you like. This might be one of the reasons why girls of different ages will love it. They can even express their own fashion in playing this real-time game. The simplicity of the game is relaxing to the eyes and mind. It’s like watching a movie that will absolutely make you feel good all day.

Overcooked 2​ (2018)

“Do it yourself” cooking is very popular these days and most girls love to imagine cooking their own way, but of course, with fashion. Overcooked 2 is second on the list. It is developed and published by Team17. 

It is another simple game that you can play with friends and family. You team up with each member and complete the tasks such as preparing and cooking orders, do some nice plating before serving to customers in different restaurants. 

You can move up to new levels, which you can change the theme of your restaurants, change costumes and recipes. This is where the fun actually begins!

Snipperclips (2017)

I find colourful scenes or sights attractive, and so this game really gets me hyped! Snipperclips is next on the list. A puzzle video game, which is published by Nintendo and developed by SFB Games. 

You can invite up to four players to play the game with you. The key to playing this game depends on cutting your own characters to pieces to fit whatever challenge given to you. As you cut and fit the pieces, you may find some of your work hilarious as the characters change their faces. It is fun, challenging and colourful – all in one game!

Celeste (2018)

A tricky and complicated story video game may not be appealing to some younger kids, but it is to some who are older. Celeste is on the next list, which older kids may enjoy and find it interesting. 

The simple story starts with the main character, Madeline. You play and achieve to climb the mountain to avoid daily frustrations and obstacles in life – easy, right? However, the challenge begins as you climb higher up the mountain because the game becomes mentally stimulating and demanding. You might feel that the game is now turning into a reality – like how you struggle and deal with life in general. This could be very interesting and helpful to gamers out there.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2019)

Want to learn another complicated game? The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is another tricky game you can play that has a  fantastic adventure of survival.

You explore an open-ended adventure with a handful of tools with you to survive the game and complete the story. You may find yourself searching for divergent mysteries to track down and a great deal of puzzles to solve. This game allows you to think outside of the box as you journey to the lands and finish all the quests. 

This may not suit all the younger kids because of the complexity of the game, but it’s a significant discovery for older kids to play.

Yoshi’s Crafted World (2019)

Next top pick is a side-scrolling game, which is developed by Good-feel and published by Nintendo.

The game is easy, light and fun to play. A lot of people see Yoshi as a charming and lovely character in playing this game. You will observe that the enemies tend to be passive and you can simply surpass them quickly. The simplicity of the game, plus the adorable sounds and animations of Yoshi, will surely lighten up your day!

Minecraft (2009)​

I’m betting that even if a person is not a gamer, he or she already heard about Minecraft. It earned popularity very quickly and blew the minds of all the gamers worldwide. It grew a huge number of fans all over the world and swiftly made it on the top list of games.

The players are put in a unique sandbox where there are no limitations and specific goals to complete. It gives the players a great amount of freedom in playing the game. The platform of the game is made up of rough 3D objects that are called “blocks”. These 3D objects represent different materials such as stone, tree, dirt, water, and lava. 

It’s extremely popular and became the favourite of the kids. It allows the players to be creative and imaginative, which makes it fun and exciting!

The list can go a long way, but these are some of the best Nintendo Switch games for girls to choose from, and even boys too. It is about social interaction and being together that make the games fun for kids. Aside from this, the challenges of every game allow them to use the power of their minds and be creative in what they do. This might help them find their meaning in life and achieve the goals in it. 

The top picks above are not ranked in a particular order, but if you ask me, my number one is Snipperclips – very light, colourful and easy! What’s yours? Tell me about it or comment down below.

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