CBD and video games – does it work?

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Hugh Mcdonalid

Gaming, whether practised by professionals or not, requires many skills to perform: concentration, calmness, reactivity, stress management, etc. It’s clear that in competitive gaming, the gamer who masters these parameters best will win!

 Like sportsmen and women, gamers are always on the lookout for new ways to boost their performance, and it’s against this backdrop that we’ve seen CBD gradually make its way into the gaming world.

What, you might ask, does this molecule derived from hemp have to do with optimising gamers’ performance? That’s what we’re going to find out in this article as we lift the veil on CBD’s place in gaming, debunk the myths and unravel the mystery of CBD and video games as both CBD oil and CBD flowers are now legal!  

What is CBD?

CBD is the acronym for “Cannabidiol”, one of the many cannabinoids in cannabis. CBD is the second most concentrated cannabinoid in cannabis, after tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, currently illegal in France above a concentration of 0.3%).

When CBD is absorbed, it activates the receptors of the endocannabinoid system present throughout the body to produce these effects.

The benefits of CBD in your pre-competition preparation:

The benefits of CBD start as early as the nights before your video game competition. Indeed, only a few gamers underestimate the benefits of sleep on their performance. Still, the experts all agree that you must get enough sleep to get the best out of yourself (performance and optimisation of benefits related to training). Finally, people whose activity generates a high level of stress and/or requires a high level of concentration need a good night’s sleep to optimise their performance on the big day.

Numerous studies have demonstrated CBD’s effectiveness in improving your sleep quality. Some CBDbee products are particularly well-suited to this task, such as herbal teas, mainly CBDbee’s deep sleep herbal tea with verbena, lime blossom & CBD without caffeine! Nothing better than a delicious bedtime and a deep sleep! 

The benefits of CBD on your performance

To increase performance, it is strongly recommended to consume CBD before training. Many professional gamers have already taken the plunge, and we’ll tell you why!

First and foremost, CBD affects the mind and emotional management, which is extremely important, especially if you play e-sports at a high level. Consuming cannabidiol before a competition, for example, sublingual oil or capsules, improves concentration. CBD also acts on the anxiety and stress that can occur in any high-level gamer without any undesirable or addictive psychoactive effects. You’ll be concentrated and focused but low. CBD is, therefore, particularly suitable for e-sports, chess, poker and all activities requiring total concentration!

Moreover, before a sporting effort, but also a mental and emotional one, CBD boosts energy without having the undesirable side effects of other stimulants (coffee, etc.), such as excessive nervousness. This is particularly the case with “full spectrum” or “broad spectrum” products, which allow you to benefit from the entourage effect, and CBDbee organic CBD oils are very effective for this.

Finally, taking CBD before a day’s training will help you better manage specific physical aches and pains linked to e-sports, so you can push yourself to the limit and improve your performance!

How does CBD optimise your recovery?

Have you just come out of a session that has pushed you to the limit? CBD is there for you and will help you in various ways:

  • Relieve pain: Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CBD in combating chronic pain, as well as musculoskeletal pain and joint stiffness, which wreak havoc in the world of e-sports (sitting posture doesn’t help).
  • Faster recovery: CBD is also a potent anti-inflammatory that acts on muscles, reducing their needed recovery time. It is also an effective muscle relaxant for cramps and aches.
  • Optimise your sleep: Finally, CBD makes it easier to fall asleep, giving you a more structured, deeper sleep, unlike sleeping pills, which are addictive and often make it difficult to wake up. Your sleep will be restorative, and your recovery optimal. 

What is the position of the leagues on this subject?

We’ll take the example of the ESL, one of the most significant eSports leagues. The ESL discourages players from using cannabis during tournaments. This decision is in line with World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) guidelines. Furthermore, eSports is often taken much less seriously than ‘standard’ disciplines such as tennis and football due to its lack of physical activity.

Therefore, to consolidate eSports as a legitimate sporting option, the ESL is now following the WADA guidelines on cannabis. However, while the WADA guidelines allow the use of CBD among athletes, the ESL has gone even further in the eSports sphere. When participating in tournaments, professional players cannot use CBD for the duration of the tournament.

So before using CBD, take the time to learn about the legislation in force in your league!


It’s now time to conclude this article. As you may have realised, the advance of CBD in gaming circles is due to an apparent correlation between the benefits inherent in this molecule and the mental and psychological demands of e-sports. It is in this context that taking CBD makes perfect sense.

On the other hand, if you’re a casual gamer, far removed from the stress and performance demands of e-sports, CBD isn’t for you – you don’t need it.

However, you can use it for your reasons, such as chronic stress, insomnia, etc.

If you’re seeking a top-quality CBD product to complement your training, look no further than JustBob.shop, the leading online CBD store. Discover a wide selection of products and stay informed about CBD regulations in the UK.

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