Tag: Fight

The gaming started from two huge acquisitions. First, Microsoft announced their deal with Activision Blizzard for an unimaginable $68.7 billion. Then Sony decided to make their move and announced the successful completion of the deal to acquire Bungie for $3.6 billion. Ironically, the studio became renowned for creating the exclusive Halo series shooters on Xbox.

Hugh Mcdonalid
April 16, 2023

Image: Conradical Games The Outbound Ghost is a charming turn-based adventure RPG that’s been garnering hype on social media thanks to its cutesy blend of The Legend of Zelda, Paper Mario, and Undertale mechanics. The paper mache game hit Steam in late 2022, but if you look for it there now, you won’t find anything

Hugh Mcdonalid
February 22, 2023