The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to League of Legends Wild Rift Roles

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Hugh Mcdonalid

So you played a game, and your whole team’s mad at you. Can’t blame them, though. You picked Jinx, equipped smite, went mid, and then stole the jungler’s blue buff. To make it worse, the enemy’s support drew first blood on you. Of course, your teammates would have every reason to be pissed.

You might not be in this exact scenario, but it’s still somewhat relevant to what we’re gonna talk about.

So, you’re here to become a better League of Legends Wild Rift player?

You’ve come to the right place.

Why Should You Read This Guide?

The idea of playing a new game can be quite intimidating. You’ll have to learn new heroes, their skillset, game mechanics, and other essential aspects. These things might sound a bit much to take in, especially for a newbie.

But you don’t have to worry. League of Legends Wild Rift is pretty easy to grasp since it already contains elements common to MOBA games. Even if you don’t have any experience with MOBAs, it’s still fairly learnable as long as you put in some effort.

And by effort, I mean finishing this beginner’s guide. 

Make sure you do! I stayed up late to write this down so you won’t have to piss your teammates anymore.

Ready? Let’s go! 

Roles and Lanes

In League of Legends Wild Rift (and in MOBAs in general), the most critical thing to learn about is the roles. It is your position in the team according to the champion that you’re using. Once you have a better understanding of your role, it’s easier to contribute to the team.

Meanwhile, lanes are the main paths in the map that minions follow. There are three lanes in Wild Rift, namely Mid, Dragon, and Baron. Areas other than these three can either be the jungle, river, or base.

That being said, roles and lanes go hand in hand. Your role relatively suggests which route you should be taking. So to hit two birds with one stone, we’re gonna talk about each lane and which roles suit them best.

Solo Baron Lane: Fighters and Tankers

This is the lane marked with a purple ‘S’ at the start of the game. It’s the side where the Rift Herald and Baron will spawn. 

Of all the lanes, Baron is considered to be the most meta. This means that you’re free to choose which champion to play as long as you dominate the lane.

Aggressive tanks like Garen, bruisers like Jax and Camille, and scaling champs with strong 1v1 capabilities  such as Vayne are best suited for this lane. 

When playing on baron lane, your goal is pretty simple: Hold off the enemy as much as possible. Don’t leave unless you have to. 

You see, if you leave and the turret falls, the enemy’s Baron laner will have more space to gank other lanes. 

But this doesn’t mean you should stay in your lane forever. The ideal thing to do would be to keep farming, watch out for ganks, push when given a chance, and then join the fray later on

Solo Midlane: Assassins and Mages

As a midlaner, your team expects a lot from you. You’ll play a significant role as one of the main damage dealers. If you dominate your opponent, it’ll be easier to visit other lanes and assist your teammates. 

Mages with excellent mobility and assassins that deal high burst damage would easily shine in the midlane.

Map awareness is a crucial skill to possess when playing mid. Don’t forget that you’re most susceptible to ganks from every direction. Even though it’s a good idea to harass your opponent, refrain from overextending, or you’ll suffer the consequences of being counter-ganked. 

Lastly, try not to feed. Besides bringing down team morale, dying multiple times prevents you from hitting your power spike when it matters the most.

Duo Dragon Lane: ADCs

In contrast to baron lane, dragon lane is the one with the sky blue dragon mark. The reason for this is because the dragon spawns close to this side of the map. A combination of support and marksman (ADC or attack damage carry) usually fill-up this lane. 

ADCs like Ashe, Jhin, and Kai’Sa are generally weak champions in the early game. They need babysitting (support) to farm well and obtain core items. Because of this, they are often the favorite preys of midlaners and junglers to prevent them from scaling. 

However, all of these challenges usually pay off during the late game since ADCs deal the most damage with their basic attacks.

Your objective as a carry is, well, to literally carry the game. Always mind your position during a clash. You’d want to deal as much damage as possible without getting picked off. 

One more advice: make sure to last hit every minion wave and try not to die often (and stop blaming your support!).

Duo Dragon Lane: Tanks and Supports

We mentioned earlier that aggressive tanks should head to baron lane. Those who specialize in crowd control, such as Blitzcrank and Alistar, should assist the ADC in the dragon lane. In addition to tanks, you also have support champions like Sona, Sera, and Soraka. Their kits typically comprise of heals and charms.

They say that behind a successful carry is a good support.

So make sure that your carry gets fed. This means helping him last hit minion waves comfortably by zoning out the enemy carry. It’s also your responsibility to place wards around the map for vision, as well as sacrificing yourself to keep the carry alive. Tough life, huh?

On the bright side, supports are often praised for their sacrifice and game-changing plays. That should be more than enough reason to pick this role.

Solo Jungler: Assassins and Fighters

Last but definitely not least, the jungler is considered to be the hardest role to fulfill. 

Why? Because it requires you to step up every mechanic out there – map awareness, micro skills, and team fight positioning, to name a few. A jungler’s decisions can significantly affect the chances of winning.

Champs with fast clearing capabilities like Master Yi, or efficient skillset for ganking like Lee-Sin are usually chosen for this role. As a jungler, you’ll have to utilize a unique skill called smite. It enables you to deal a decent amount of damage to jungle monsters.

During the early game, your main objective is to roam the map and gank other lanes. It’s more advisable to attack the dragon lane since the enemy marksman is there. You’d want to delay the ADC’s progress for as long as possible. In addition to that, you also have to secure jungle objectives, such as scuttler, dragons, and baron using smite.

Wrapping Things Up

Congrats on reaching the end of this guide. Hurray! This shows your firm intention to improve your game. That’s good.

Now listen. It’s alright to have bad games if you’re new because it’s part of learning the ropes. However, if you’ve been playing for a while but you still underperform consistently, then it means that something’s wrong. 

Keep in mind that you don’t always have to be the core in order to win. League of Legends Wild Rift is a team game, not a single-player campaign.

Are you fulfilling your role? 

Are you making decisions for the good of the team or your K/D/A only?

Once you figure out your gameplay’s flaws, it’s easier to avoid committing the same mistakes. As a result, you’ll get better at working with your team and eventually win more games.

And that’s it for this guide! See you in the next one!

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